

emproc, a renowned architectural firm based in Berlin, specializes in innovative and sustainable architectural solutions. As their business grew, emproc needed a modern, flexible, and easily manageable website to showcase their projects, services, and company ethos. We built a sophisticated website for emproc using Contentful, a headless CMS, to ensure a seamless and dynamic online presence that aligns with their cutting-edge architectural vision.


Headless CMS, React JS, Contentful

The problem

Many companies, including architectural firms like emproc, often struggle with outdated legacy systems that hinder their digital transformation efforts. These systems can be rigid, difficult to update, and not designed to handle the dynamic content needs of modern businesses. Legacy systems often require extensive manual management and lack the flexibility needed to integrate new functionalities or content types.

We addressed these issues by implementing a headless CMS solution using Contentful. Unlike traditional CMSs, Contentful decouples the content management backend from the presentation layer, allowing for greater flexibility and ease of integration. This approach enabled emproc to efficiently manage content, quickly implement updates, and integrate new features without being hampered by the constraints of a legacy system.

Research & Planning

To ensure we delivered a website that met emproc’s needs and exceeded their expectations, we undertook extensive research and planning. Our primary focus was to explore the benefits of a headless CMS, like Contentful, which could address the specific challenges posed by their legacy system.

1. Understanding emproc’s Requirements: We conducted in-depth interviews and workshops with key stakeholders at emproc to understand their goals, pain points, and the functionalities they required. This included the need for a dynamic project portfolio, easy content updates, and seamless integration with other tools and platforms.

2. Analyzing Legacy System Limitations: We assessed the limitations of emproc’s existing CMS, identifying areas where it fell short, such as slow content updates, lack of flexibility, and poor scalability. This analysis highlighted the necessity of moving to a more modern, flexible system.

3. Evaluating Headless CMS Options: We researched various headless CMS platforms, considering factors such as flexibility, ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities. Contentful emerged as the best choice due to its robust API, user-friendly interface, and ability to separate content management from presentation, allowing for a more adaptable and future-proof solution.

4. Creating a Project Plan: Based on our research, we developed a comprehensive project plan outlining the steps needed to migrate from the legacy system to Contentful. This plan included timelines, resource allocation, risk assessment, and mitigation strategies to ensure a smooth transition

Branding exploration


Web development

The web development phase was crucial in bringing emproc’s new digital vision to life. Our development team leveraged the power of Contentful to build a website that is not only visually appealing but also highly functional and easy to manage.

1. Content Migration: Our team carefully planned and executed the migration of content from the legacy CMS to Contentful. This involved mapping existing content to the new structure, ensuring data integrity, and setting up content models that allowed for easy management and updates.

2. Integration and Customization: We integrated various tools and services with Contentful to enhance the website’s functionality. This included embedding interactive project portfolios, integrating third-party services, and ensuring the site was optimized for search engines (SEO). Custom API integrations allowed for real-time updates and a seamless user experience across all devices.

3. Testing and Optimization: Rigorous testing was conducted to ensure the website was fully functional and free of bugs. This included performance testing, cross-browser testing, and responsive testing to ensure the site looked and performed well on all devices. We also optimized the site for speed and performance, ensuring fast load times and a smooth user experience.

4. Training and Support: To empower emproc’s team to manage their new website effectively, we provided comprehensive training on using Contentful. This included creating user guides and conducting training sessions to ensure they were comfortable mit updating content and making changes as needed.

By leveraging the capabilities of Contentful and focusing on a user-centric design and robust development practices, we delivered a state-of-the-art website for emproc that not only meets their current needs but is also scalable for future growth.

Let’s talk.
